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Ajanta Caves, Maharashtra

Ajanta caves are famous for its mural painting.
The Buddhist cave temple and monasteries are situated near Ajanta village, in Maharashtra, western India.
These temples have been constructed by hollowing the layers of rocky ingenious stones.
These stones at 20 meters deep left the edge of the Wagurna river in 107 kilometres north-east of Aurangabad.
  • Sanchi Stupa, Madhya Pradesh
The excavation of this group of about thirty caves first century AD.
Between the seventh centuries, it was done in two forms- Chaitya (temple) andVihar (monastery).
Although the sculpture of these temples, especially the charlatan pillars, is beautifully decorated, the main attraction of Ajanta’s caves is mural painting.
These paintings have been portrayed with the abundance and vibrancy of Buddhist religious narratives and deities.
It is unique in the field of Indian art.

Ajanta Caves Architecture

Ajanta Caves, Maharashtra
Ajanta caves are inspired by Buddhist.
The craft and painting filled with compassionate emotions, which reflect the excellent knowledge and precious time of art in human history.
These caves created by Buddhist and Jain sect have been decorated creatively.
Nevertheless, it reflects a peace and spiritual and is full of divine energy and power.
Beginning in the second century D.C. and in the sixth century A.D. 
About 107 kilometres from the city of Aurangabad, these caves of Ajanta have been cut into the shape of a huge horse cord by cutting the mountain.
In Ajanta, a herd of 29 caves is one of the finest examples of Buddhist architecture, cave painting and craft paint.
In these Caves, there is Chaitya or Math, which is devoted to Lord Buddhaand Vihar.
This Math was used by Buddhist monks to meditate and study Lord Buddha’s teachings.
These picture made on the walls of caves and terraces depict the events of various Buddhist divinity.
Among the most important picture are Jataka Tales, which depict various stories related to Buddha’s past birth as Bodhisattva.
It was a saint who had the destiny of becoming a Buddha.
They exhibit artefacts and photographs effectively, while it is free of time.
These beautiful images and pictures show Buddha in calm and holy posture.
  • Charminar, Hyderabad – History, Architecture

Ajanta Caves

These 30 caves, situated on the hills of Sahyadri, have about 5 Prayer Bhawan and 25 Buddhist monasteries.
These caves were discovered by Army Officer John Smith and his team in 1819.
They came here to hunt, only when they saw a series of caved 29 caves and thus these caves built in the shape of horse cord have ancient and historical significance.
They have been depicted in Buddhist religion from 200 BC to 650 AD.
In the Ajanta caves, pictures of beautiful nymphs and various currencies of princess have also been carved on the walls.
These are very beautiful samples of excellent paintings and sculptures here.
Ajanta caves can be divided into two parts.
In one part, the light of the Buddhist religion and the second part is a glimpse of the Mahayana sect.
There are 2 Chaitya and 4 Vihar in Hinayana’s part and 3 Chaitya and 11 Vihar in the Mahayana section.
These are the caves of the 19th century, in which statues and images of Buddhist monks.
These sculptures, decorated with the help of hammers and chisels, boast a beautiful beauty in their own right.
  • Humayun’s Tomb, Delhi
Currently, only 6 cave, cave number 1,2,9,10,16,17 are left in the total of 29 caves manufactured in Ajanta.
In these 6 caves, cave numbers 16 and 17 are only in the Guptan. Ajanta’s pictures are technically the first place in the world.
These caves have been used as a descriptive visualization of various types of flowers, leaves, and animal shapes.
The work of depiction of statues of Buddha and Bodhisattvas, stories taken from the Jataka texts.
These pictures mostly show Jataka tales.
In these paintings, some human characters of non-Indian origin have also been shown.
One feature of Ajanta’s painting in that in these pictures scenes have been divided into separate configurations.

Ajanta Caves Construction

Ajanta has been created with both fresco and tempera method.
Before drawing the picture, the wall was rubbing it well and then it was coated with it.
The picture of the ‘Maranasanna Princess’ engraved in the cave number 16 of Ajanta is laudable.
Praising this picture, Griffith, Vargas, and Ferguson said, The point of saying ‘compassion, sense and your story clearly’, it is inaccessible in the history of painting.
Minister of the  Harishan (475-500 E.) Ruler of the Vasugupta branch of the Wakata dynasty gave the donation to the Buddhist Union cave number 16.
  • Taj Mahal, Agra, World Heritage Centre – History, Architecture
The picture of the cave number 17 is said to be called the ‘painting’. It was created by a monk called Harishan.
The picture related to the events of Buddha’s birth, life, Mahabirinishrashna and Mahaparinirvana have been carved in this gallery.
The picture of the mother and baby name is the best in all the pictures engraved in Cave NO. 17.
Ajanta’s caves belonged to the Mahayana branch of Buddhism.
The brightness of the painting of Ajanta’s famous caves is a matter of surprise for scholars from modern times even after more than thousand years have passed.
Events related to Lord Budha have been expressed in this picture.
These paintings were made from the colours invented by the composition of rice mandol, gum and some other leaves and objects.
They were buried in the ground for about thousand years and in 1819 they were brought back to light.
Thousands of years passed, but their colour did not become light, not bad, glow remained unchanged.
If something was done to improve or try to paint a modern colour, then it was unsuccessful.
This technique of colour and lines is still a reminder of a glorious past.
  • India Gate, Delhi – History, Architecture
    British researcher Mr Griffith says, “The painter who painted in Ajanta were the peak pff creation.”
    The verticle lines drawn on the walls in Ajanta area easily drawn form Kuchi, they are amazed.
    Actually, this is an amazing thing. But when the surface of the roof is parallel to the horizon, the corresponding rotation, the appearance of uniformity in the shape of the arches and thousand of complexities of its creation are noticed. 
    It seems that this is a wonder and a  miracle.
    After announcing the World Heritage Site by UNESCO since 1983, Ajanta and Ellora’s photographs and sculptures have been considered as excellent specimens of Buddhist religious art.
    They have a profound effect on the development of art in India. 
    These caves using creative use of colour and the freedom of expression.
    The human and animal forms which are depicted in Ajanta can be considered as high-level artistic creativity.
    It has been dedicated to Buddhists, Hindus and Jainism for centuries.
    They reflect the spirit of tolerance, which is characteristic of ancient India.
    Visit Ajanta Caves and let us know how you like it.

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